Rationality is not needed at this moment (1)

kang qiao went upstairs to xu mo's door.

he raised his hand, hesitated for a moment, and knocked on the door.

there was no movement inside.

he took out his phone and dialed xu mo's number. it rang again and again, but no one picked up, wanwan.

kang qiao frowned and called again, but it was still the same.

He knew that Xu Mo wasn't someone who slept very deeply. She wouldn't fall asleep even if she had a little alcohol. She was even more impatient with him. If he called her, she would definitely turn off her phone.

but she didn't.

his intuition told him that something had happened to her.

kang qiao took two steps back, stretched out his leg and kicked the door hard. after a few kicks, he felt that his bones were about to break. the door slammed open and shook violently, almost falling down.

Kang Qiao couldn't care less and walked straight in.