he's always been here 2

"if she causes trouble again, i'll really get her a baby," qin chen snorted.

"chenchen, stop seducing women!" lan yu was helpless.

Qin Chen ended the call.

On the other side, Lan Yu smiled dotingly and started the car to go to the airport.

Qin Chen dropped his phone and lay down again, but he didn't fall asleep. He got up and went to the intensive care unit to see the new patient.

Kang Qiao was still there.

He stood there like a fool.

Qin Chen walked over and smiled faintly, standing side by side with Kang Qiao."Is she awake?"

"Not yet," Kang Qiao shook his head.

qin chen glanced at him again and was about to leave when wen yuan came over.

She was panting and her face was pale. "Kang Qiao, where's Xu Mo?"

kang qiao's eyes looked into the ward. xu mo was lying on the bed, his face pale.

"What happened to her?" Wen Yuan was stunned.

kang qiao's voice was a little low. " she removed half of her stomach. "