xu mo, i want to marry you (1)

kang qiao nodded, " i know, mom. "

teacher kang continued,"so you still know that i'm your mother. look at you, you didn't even care about my wishes. you're not young anymore, yingluo."

"mom, i want to get married." kang qiao suddenly said.

Mrs. Kang knew that he had something to say, but she didn't expect him to be so direct. She paused."which family's girl is it?"

kang qiao stopped the car at the intersection and waited for the red light. he thought for a while before slowly saying,"It's Xu Mo."

"Xu Mo!" Teacher Kang smiled faintly. Xu Mo is very good. She's a good person and looks good.

Kang Qiao also laughed, " mom, she's a really good person, but she's just average looking, right? "

"you usually like it?" Mrs. Kang hit the nail on the head.

she felt that if her son liked her, she must be good-looking.