my man had a vasectomy (3)

wen yuan looked at the time and realized that it was still early. he thought for a while and returned to the apartment. he helped the two babies pack their things and drove to the house that ye zhenggang was staying at.

That was the ye family's old house, the place where ye zhenggang and su Fu had lived for many years. It was also the old house where Bai Sulli had lived for a while when she had just married.

That day, it was so lively and warm. Su Fu had taken care of everything inside and outside, but now, only ye zhenggang lived alone. Occasionally, ye mu Bai and ye Mu Lin would come over with their lovers and children, but that was only occasionally. Most of the time, ye zhenggang was lonely.

This time, Wen Yuan had brought the two children over. He was overjoyed. Although he scolded mu Bai for being indecent with a woman, he thought to himself that Wen Yuan would not have come to complain if he was not so indecent.