kang qiao, you're shameless!2

The moment he touched it, it was like an electric current had passed through him, and Xu Mo's entire body trembled.

but she didn't allow him to kiss her deeply. her lips were tightly shut, as if she was holding on to her last breath.

Kang Qiao chuckled, the tip of his tongue lightly brushing past her lips and then lightly pressing down, hinting at something. Xu Mo unconsciously bit his lower lip, but he accidentally bit Kang Qiao.

his eyes deepened as he stared at her. after a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, " "Will you bite me if I go in?"

xu mo was a little speechless and a little helpless as he just looked at him in a daze.

she couldn't hear what he was saying. she could only hear the rumbling in her ears. when she came back to her senses, she felt a pain on her chin. she instinctively opened her mouth and kang qiao kissed her.