Let's get a divorce (1)

Qin mo thought that he must be a little tired.

He was tired of chasing after someone like this.

he used to love someone very, very much. he was ecstatic as he loved her, and then he began to hate her.

When love and hate were intertwining in his body, he rarely felt sweetness, only pain.

therefore, he felt that he should give up.

this was good for everyone. after so many years, there was no point in dragging it on. he did not do it on a whim, but he had tortured each other for many years before he made up his mind.

"If you need anything, you can give me a call!" Qin mo said hoarsely.

He Huan didn't say anything. She just lay there quietly, as if she had lost her life.

"I don't have anything I want," she said after a long time.

"alright, i'll wait outside for your parents to come." he said again.