let's get a divorce 8

"no way. president qin is so handsome, and he's not satisfied?" The other one was shocked.

"who knows? maybe he has a special hobby. everyone has a different taste. i heard that he's a writer. he has a good temperament and is quite good-looking. he looks 80% like president qin, but his temperament is different. he's especially elegant."

"shouldn't writers be bald? How can you compare him to our President Qin? President Qin is handsome and rich, and his nose is especially sharp. Didn't you notice?"

"What if the author's nose is even more prominent?"

he huan didn't hear what they said when she entered the elevator. she didn't care much about this.

when she reached the top floor, qin mo's secretary was waiting for her at the elevator. " madam, president qin has been waiting for you for a long time. "

"just call me he huan." he huan paused.

the secretary merely smiled and did not say anything. he led he huan into qin mo's office.