Qin mo, let's have another child (10)

"mommy's body is so hot. baby is calling daddy home." yi huan said proudly as she laid on the ground.

She seemed to be saying that the baby knew how to take care of his mother and was very capable.

he huan was a little surprised. she looked to the side but did not see qin mo.

" daddy is in the kitchen pouring water for mommy and taking her medicine. " Little Yi Huan seemed to know what she was thinking as she continued to explain.

"You're such a good boy," he Huan closed her eyes.

she reached out her hand to touch the little guy. yi huan was like a little animal, asking her mother to be obedient.

he huan's heart was filled with warmth. she wanted to hug yihuan, but she hesitated, afraid that she would pass on her illness to yihuan.