I want to kiss you (2)

his dark eyes stared at her fervently as if he was staring at a delicious dish.

He Huan's lips were bright red from her biting. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes and a Red Nose.

she seemed to have forgotten to breathe and just looked at him. she was a little scared, but it also seemed like there was something else in her.

The cautiousness of the past being disturbed.

she did not know what she was expecting.

Just as she was being careful, Qin mo opened his mouth and his voice was unbelievably hoarse. "I'm kissing you."

It was the first time they had kissed. It was the night they got married. Qin mo had never touched her before that.

he had loved her so sincerely, and he had taken care of her so that she wouldn't have any bad feelings. he was already a little confused, but now he seemed to remember everything.