I want to kiss you (4)

He Huan's lips trembled slightly, then she turned her head away.

She didn't want to answer him.

qin mo looked at her for a long time and did not wait for her reply. he did not want to force her.

Yes, he could force his body and also force his heart?

he laughed at himself. " sleep early. i'll sleep in the guest room. "

with that, he let go of her.

He Huan thought that he would leave. After all, his expression had turned cold. However, when he got up, he carried her up and gently carried her to the master bedroom. He placed her on the bed.

This time, he didn't kiss her, but silently looked at her for a while.

"He Huan, think about why you're here. Are you really angry at me? Or something else?" He asked her in a low voice, " if I didn't go to the restaurant, if I didn't ruin your blind date, if I saw you with someone else and walked closer to rongyue, would you hate me more? and now, do you feel a little satisfied with me? "