Come back to my side (1)

qin anlan's blow was not light, but qin mo did not retaliate. a few red marks appeared on his forehead.

This time, su Cheng and Kime could not do anything and could only glare at Qin mo.

Although their daughter had been married to Qin mo before, and this kind of relationship was nothing, now that he Huan and Qin mo had divorced and were sleeping together, as parents, they felt that they had suffered a huge loss.

Su Cheng glared at Qin mo and then asked, " "where's he huan?"

just as qin mo was about to speak, the sound of footsteps came from the direction of the master bedroom. it was followed by he huan's voice, " "qin mo, why didn't you wake me up?"

He Huan walked out and was in a daze. She looked at her parents and Qin Mo's parents and didn't react for a long time.

Qin Mo's eyes narrowed and he immediately said, " "go in and change your clothes before coming out."