Come back to my side (4)

"He Huan and I are different from those people," Qin mo frowned.

Qin Anlan sat opposite him and smiled. "What's the Difference? didn't they sleep together at night and leave during the day after taking some P shares? Didn't he Huan leave?"

although this was a twisted logic, there was no way to refute it. if qin mo said that he huan loved him or something, his father would probably laugh to death and look down on him.

He did not say anything and touched his pocket. He probably wanted to smoke, but Qin Anlan said in a deep voice, " "You're not allowed to smoke for the next few days since your arm is injured like this. you don't have a wife by your side, so you'll have to come back and stay with us for a few days."

qin mo shook his head. " i just live here. it's not a serious injury. "

"Do you think he Huan came back in the middle of the night to secretly visit you?" The Father didn't give him any face and sneered.