Qin mo, you're just being unreasonable (4)

He Huan hugged her soft and fragrant body, and her heart softened. She lowered her head and kissed her. "Mommy missed you too."

Yi Huan was so happy, like a Little Bear hanging on he Huan's body, and she was acting like a spoiled child.

he huan's heart was unbelievably soft, and she kissed him again and again."baby, can you get up and have breakfast?"

Yi Huan looked at Qin mo. I want to go with daddy.

He Huan looked over. Qin mo was wearing a white bathrobe and was leaning against the head of the bed. Although it was a simple shirt, it looked especially good on him. His body was slender and strong.

qin mo also looked at her, his black eyes filled with deep meaning.

He Huan was afraid of looking into his eyes, so she turned her head away and ignored him.

"what time is your bus?" qin mo's voice was slow.

"Ten more minutes," he Huan said softly.