for the first time, i felt like a married couple (2)

He Huan took a glance and confirmed that it was just J random attack. Then J she looked at Qin mo. He was actually sitting next to her in J suit and was about to start J fight.

he huan looked at him but did not say anything.

and this glance seemed to drive away all the dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction from yesterday, disappearing.

Qin mo was tall and it was uncomfortable to sit in such a small seat. Hence, he got up and called he Huan over.

he huan felt a little weak, but for yi huan's sake, she sat down to accompany her. however, she was not good at this, and she died with yi huan in less than five minutes.

When the word 'game over' lit up, little yihuan still could not accept it. After a long time, she rubbed her eyes and slowly turned to look at he Huan."mom, you're a noob."

Qin mo chuckled at the side, which made he huanke angry.

"I'm not as ignorant and incompetent as your father!" She snorted.