for the first time, i felt like a married couple (6)

little yi huan tilted her head and thought about it carefully before she replied, " "uncle is good-looking because daddy already has someone he likes."

Kang Qiao found it funny, but then said seriously,"Uncle already has someone he likes, your aunt Xu Mo."

Little Yi Huan remembered and thought hard for a long time before she said, " "That is to think that brother Nan is the best looking."

want to go south?

Thinking of the South at night?

kang qiao laughed and rubbed the little guy's head, " "yes, it's very nice to think south."

Ye Xiang and Nan Cheng had inherited their parents 'good qualities. In fact, all the children in the ye family were beautiful, and so was Bai Anan. But their story was something that would happen many years later. They were still young.

qin yihuan was a little tired after talking for so long. she covered her mouth and yawned, then looked at kang qiao."It's time to shower."