he huan, you've turned bad 8

To Qin mo, this was indeed a huge temptation.

He glanced at her, and he Huan was lying beside him. Her short hair was a little messy, and she looked like a cute puppy.

it was a puppy that was fatally attractive to him.

He looked at it quietly for two seconds, then threw the laptop aside, lay flat, and closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he reached out and pulled her hair."let's go out for supper first. we'll talk when we get back."

"How greedy!" He Huan rolled his eyes at him.

"Men are all greedy miss he." he lowered his head and kissed her on the lips."Please understand a man who has never been in a relationship with you! Love can be done at any time, but being in love isn't something that can be done at any time. You can't miss the opportunity."

as he spoke, he patted her P * s."Go and change your clothes! We have to hurry."