Remember your identity (3)

During dinner, Qin mo suddenly whispered, " "he huan, i want you to be in charge of this film."

she looked at him and took a small sip of the appetizer after a while. then, she smiled. " i won't work with aijia. you know the reason. qin mo, don't make me do things that i can't do. also, i won't change my words. if you have any ambiguous relationship with aijia, i will quit. "

" i won't argue with you, " she added softly. " i can maintain our relationship and live together to take care of yihuan. but we can talk about remarrying later. i don't want to be in a marriage. "

She did not want to be divorced a second time!

qin mo suddenly spoke,"i'm not asking you to film her, but hanhan."

he smiled. " you're filming. i'm still going to the production team. we're still living outside. " Why don't we just film it in C city? we don't even need to move."

He Huan was speechless and shook her head. "you weren't like this before."