I'll fulfill your wish, huh? 2

he huan was stunned again as she looked at the young girl in front of her.

AI Mengmeng wasn't particularly good-looking, and her level of recognition was average. She didn't quite understand why Rong Yue had chosen her.

ai mengmeng voiced out her confusion. " we were together that night when rong yue left the production team. "

She said that Rong Yue was drunk and that she had taken advantage of him. Then, she looked at he Huan with a fragile face."Director he, you won't be angry."

"Why should I be angry?" "Congratulations," he Huan said with a faint smile.

Although she said that, she actually understood in her heart that Rong Yue had never mentioned this. It seemed that it was not simple. However, she did not say it out loud. After all, this was someone else's private matter.

furthermore, she was putting more energy into qin mo's trip to United States.

She was so calm that AI Mengmeng felt bored and left first.