please call me miss he (6)

in the end, he went to her office. the staff said that he huan did not come to work today. qin mo frowned and left first.

he was driving aimlessly.

He didn't know where he Huan was, and he didn't know why she didn't want to see him.

he had thought that they had made up after last night, but now that he thought about it, it was obvious that she did not think so.

Qin Mo's fingers were on the steering wheel as he drove along the brightly lit Street. When he passed by a coffee shop, he saw he Huan.

She was wearing a pair of black trousers and a white sweater, looking very pure and beautiful. Sitting opposite her was a very young man. One look at his appearance and clothes, and one could tell that he was a good man.

moreover, he should be about the same age as he huan.

Qin Mo's fingers were gripping the steering wheel and his knuckles were almost white. He endured it and did not go over.

he huan looked up and saw qin mo.