she's my woman 2

"I'm fine," she said. He Huan shook his head.

she broke free from him and wanted to leave, but in the blink of an eye, he grabbed her arm again, and his voice was even lower."Do You Want to Dance with me for the opening dance later?"

He Huan was stunned for a moment, then she smiled."it's not appropriate for today's occasion."

The word 'inappropriate' made Qin mo frown again. He wanted to ask what was inappropriate, but he Huan had already left. She went to the balcony and took out her phone to call the Qin residence. She wanted to hear yihuan's voice.

in the past, she told her mother that it was a blind date but now she didn't want it anymore. she wanted yihuan. if qin mo wanted to remarry, she must take care of yihuan.