Don't think that you are the only one I want (1)

He Huan just looked at him and did not say anything.

Qin mo carried Yi Huan and walked in front. He Huan followed behind him. When they reached the dining room, there were not many people and it was very quiet. Qin mo found a seat by the window and sat down. Yi Huan sat beside him.

qin mo called the waiter over and ordered two servings of snacks for he huan and yi huan to fill their stomachs. then, he ordered his own food.

he huan didn't care. he knew her taste, so she ate some snacks to relieve her hunger.

on the other hand, qin mo seemed to be very busy. he had been using his phone to deal with things and had only eaten a little during dinner.

He Huan felt that the food here was not bad. She ate until her stomach was full. She stretched lazily and then met Qin Mo's gaze.

"I have something to do later. The driver's car will send you back at the entrance of the restaurant." qin mo said simply.