Do you regret the miscarriage?(4)

He Huan didn't say anything. She was just immersed in her own sorrow.

Qin mo stood there quietly for a while before whispering, " "I'll get Qin Chen to take care of you."

he said as he walked out.

he huan was still sitting there without moving.

when qin chen came over, he saw that he huan had already gotten up from the bed and was standing by the window, looking at something.

"Huanhuan," qin chen called out to her, then walked over gently. he placed one hand on her shoulder and let he huan lean on his shoulder.

although qin chen was a girl, she was very tall. he huan was also young, so they looked very compatible when they stood together.

Qin mo stood outside the ward and looked on quietly. His eyes were filled with unspeakable pain.

He was surprised and heartbroken at the loss of this child, but he was more heartbroken by he Huan.