let he huan chase after him 8

As she spoke, she took out a tissue to clean herself up before turning around to rest. Qin mo had already carried her up and his voice was a little hoarse."i'll carry you."

Before he Huan could react, he had already carried her and walked towards the master bedroom.

He Huan was very weak. She bit her lip and finally hugged his neck.

qin mo placed her on the soft bed and poured her a glass of warm water. then, he called the doctor.

he huan heard his call and struggled to sit up."i'm fine. you don't have to call the doctor."

qin mo looked at her coldly and hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

He looked at her, then took the glass of water from the bedside table and sat on the bed. why didn't you drink water? "

he huan lowered her eyes. " i don't feel like drinking. "

qin mo held onto her shoulder with one hand and placed a cup on her lips with the other. his voice was short and a little strong, " "Ha,"