President Qin, are you satisfied with this request?

After Bai Xuelan left, Qin mo still stood there for a long time, and then he smoked another cigarette.

he raised his head and looked at he huan's apartment lights.

he didn't leave when the lights were on. he just stood there. the winter night was very cold, but he couldn't feel it. he only felt that his heart and lungs were warm.

This feeling was not good, it was somewhat painful.

If he could, he would rather give up.

But now, he couldn't give up. So, to a certain extent, he hated her.

He also hated himself.

There was no turning back for Qin mo and he was unwilling to turn back.

If it's painful, then let it be painful to the end.

qin mo stood downstairs for the entire night.

he huan left the house before 8 am the next day. when she went downstairs, she saw qin mo's car. she paused for a moment before coming over.