I want you to be willing 7

Qin mo laid there quietly. He did not speak for a long time, nor did he fall asleep.

He Huan's body stiffened and she slowly fell asleep.

qin mo looked at him quietly. after a long time, he slowly closed his eyes. he couldn't fall asleep, but with her by his side, he felt a little more peaceful.

Then, he fell asleep for some reason and had a dream.

He dreamed of many things. They were all things that happened when he and he Huan were young, and what happened on the night of their wedding.

after that, qin mo woke up. when he woke up, it was a winter night and he huan was sleeping deeply beside him.

he looked at her face quietly. he couldn't fall asleep after that, so he got up, put on a bathrobe, and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window outside.

Through the window, he saw the gentle snow falling from the night sky. The snow fell on the window in wisps, and the shape of the ice flowers was particularly beautiful.