remarried (3)

At nine O 'clock.

The helicopter landed on a patch of grass. Qin mo got down first and carried he Huan.

He Huan was wearing a white down jacket, and there was a large circle of fur around her collar. It made her small face look even smaller, and her age could not be seen at all.

qin mo hugged her the entire time and only put her down when they reached the main hall. he reached out to remove her hat and thought for a moment."You can take off your coat later. It's still a little cold here."

Actually, he Huan was wearing thick clothes, while he was only wearing a suit made of wool. However, he didn't seem to be cold, and his hands were warm.

At that moment, he held her hand and walked inside.

the civil affairs bureau was very quiet today. at first, he huan thought that it was because of the cold and snow that no one came out. however, she later found out that the place was cleared and received her and qin mo to get their marriage certificate in the morning.