fragile, sickly, and weak (1)

qin mo looked at little yihuan and smiled. he then looked at he huan.

He Huan was speechless. She took Yi Huan off and said,"Mom's fine."

"Mommy's heart is beating so fast," she said happily.

At first, Qin mo smiled faintly, but then his gaze changed. He walked over and reached out to hold he Huan's hand. He frowned. do you have a fever? "

he huan shook her head. she wanted to say no, but her expression was really ugly.

There was an abnormal red in the paleness.

Qin mo immediately carried her and walked upstairs in a hurry. He Huan almost immediately wrapped her arms around his neck.

"qin mo, i am fine." she shook her head.

"it's a little hot." his voice was low. " be good, okay? "

as he said that, he reached out and touched her face gently,"I shouldn't have let you go outside. Look at you, you weak little thing."

so he lowered his head and gently pressed his forehead against her face, as if he was kissing her.