the most romantic thing (7)

"I have red packet money too?" he Huan looked at him.

Qin mo laughed, " of course.

As he spoke, he brought her to the bookcase and opened a safe. Other than a large amount of cash, there was also a box. Qin mo took a look and took it out for he Huan. this is for you.

he huan looked at him and opened it. there was a diamond ring inside.

it was a pink diamond, about three to four carats.

It was worth at least a few hundred million.

He Huan looked at Qin mo.

He said as he took other things, " "It's just right for you now. You can try it on."

He Huan looked at Qin mo and put it on.

Indeed, she was thinner and fairer now, and her fingers were beautiful when she wore it.

However, it was really inconvenient for her to do work, so she was suitable for ran ran to be Mrs. Qin.

he huan was stunned for a moment. qin mo had already taken out a few documents and a black envelope. he walked to the desk and turned around to call he huan over.