You're begging me, huh? 1

He Huan's eyes darkened. Then, she lowered her head and drank her pumpkin and chestnut soup in silence.

Of course, Qin mo sensed that something was wrong with her. He looked up at the direction she was looking at before saying indifferently, " "You're not happy to see it?"

"No, I didn't," He Huan took small sips and said in a low voice,"B city is also my home. I can't control where she wants to eat."

qin mo looked at her and reached out to touch her hair gently. he smiled and said, " not bad. it feels like you've finally grown up, my little girl. "

He Huan slapped his hand away. who's your little girl? I'm not.

qin mo's voice was a little gentle,'you weren't raised by my family? She'll be my wife when she's grown up. What was this called in ancient times?"

The more he spoke, the more he was being frivolous. He Huan couldn't bear to listen to it anymore. I'm going to the washroom.

qin mo smiled and let her go.