I can do a lot, Mrs. Qin (2)

He stood there, wearing only a sweater on his slender body. He pinched the cigarette between his fingers, took a puff, and then walked over. I'll be fine after this.

"you're really addicted to smoking." "can't you smoke a few less?" he huan couldn't help but complain.

Qin mo held the car door with one hand and smiled. "Mrs. Qin, aren't you being a little too overbearing? you don't let me enjoy myself, and you don't even let me smoke."

He Huan's little face immediately turned red. She bit her lip and glared at him.

qin mo smiled and touched her face. " are you feeling guilty, mrs. qin? "

he huan snorted. " i won't. "

Then, she couldn't help but glance at him. "It's you who's too cowardly"

"Too what?" His voice was very hoarse and his eyes were very bright. It was the unique charm of a man of his age.

How could he Huan say it? she bit her lip and couldn't say it for a long time.