You don't care about me anymore (14)

But no matter what, he still doted on her. She couldn't tell what was good about him, but he was probably good in all aspects.

Perhaps she wasn't as good as others, but no matter how good others were, it wasn't her.

And how could he bear to compare her with others?

Ye Mulin smiled and continued to make breakfast. As for lunch, he called the servants to make it when he was impatient. He spent a Good Morning with his wife.

There were no schemes, no schemes, and no endless work. There was only Bai Anan.

At noon, ye Mulin still answered a phone call and discussed business. After the call, he came out of the study room and saw Bai Sulli on the phone. He sat down and naturally put his arm around his shoulder while listening to what she said.

Bai suili called he Huan again and tried to invite him over.

Let's sit together.

Ye Mulin looked at his little wife disapprovingly and gave her a look.