plagued by scandals (2)

After a long while, she finally spoke in a low voice. Qin mo, you're shameless.

Hearing that, he laughed in a low voice, his laughter hoarse. it's okay for my own wife to be shameless.

He Huan rolled her eyes at him again, then opened the door and got out of the car.

qin mo followed behind him. as he walked, he lit a cigarette. however, he only took two puffs before putting it out and following he huan.

She waited for him at the elevator door. She pressed the button and waited for him. When Qin mo walked over, the elevator door closed.

He lowered his head to look at her.

He Huan was disgusted. you just smoked. You're not allowed to kiss me.

As she spoke, she pressed against his shoulder. The more she was like this, the happier he was. He said in an especially low voice, " it's not like you've never begged me before. Have you forgotten? "