A direct confrontation 3

just thinking about it made him smile.

He Huan suddenly missed Qin mo. She grabbed her phone and saw that it was already eight o 'clock.

She thought, even if she was working overtime, it wouldn't be this time. She wanted to call him, but after thinking about it, she decided not to. In the end, she still wanted to ask, so she dialed old Zhao's phone.

old zhao told her very quickly that qin mo was currently socializing with a bunch of old guys and might not be free. he might also be back very late.

" oh, " he huan replied and hung up the phone. she could actually understand.

it was impossible for her to not entertain him when she let him go through the back door. so, she thought about it and decided to get up and cook something for herself. her cooking skills were neither good nor bad, and she always had some small skills in life.

He Huan's small skill was to cook instant noodles.