This is my compensation to him (5)

Qin mo raised his hand to look at the time. It was still early and they didn't have to go to school. The two children hit it off so he let them spend more time together.

He came quietly and left quietly.

It was quiet in the children's room. Little Yi was riding on her little horse, holding a small water gun and splashing it around.

Shen ting would occasionally raise his head and look at the cute little guy.

Back then, Qin mo had shown him Yi Huan's long hair, which made her look like a doll.

When he saw Yi Huan, he was shocked. She looked like a little boy, but she was still beautiful beyond words.

shen ting really wanted to hug her more. in the past, he never knew that he would especially like things like dolls, but no matter how much he liked them, he still restrained himself.