this is my compensation to him (7)

when she woke up in the morning, qin mo was no longer in the bedroom. he huan looked around but did not see her.

She pursed her lips and sat up. After thinking for a while, she put on a coat and went to Yi Huan's room to take a look. After all, she had cried so sadly last night that she didn't even go to take a look.

well, it was not that she did not want to go, but qin mo did not allow her to go.

He Huan thought irresponsibly in her heart as she walked to the door of the children's room.

It was eight o 'clock in the morning. Usually, Yi Huan would have already woken up, but today, he Huan had a feeling that she was still in the bedroom.

as soon as she pushed the door open, she saw shen ting sitting by the bed, looking at yi huan with a gentle gaze.

Yi Huan had not woken up yet, which showed how crazy she had been last night.

he huan walked over and said in a low voice, " have you had breakfast? "