Yihuan, who is he?(1)

After Shen ting finished speaking, Yi Huan looked at him and saw a suspicious blush on his face.

"brother, you're blushing again." yi huan shrieked as she climbed onto shen ting's knees. she cupped his face in her hands and looked at him curiously.

shen ting's face turned even redder, and he awkwardly turned his face to the side. then, he said in a low voice, " "I didn't."

The little Yi Huan smiled evilly. brother, you are. Your face is red again.

then, as she jumped down, she turned around and made a face at shen ting. shen ting then said a few words in a low voice, "

However, Qin yihuan could no longer hear him as she skipped away.

Shen ting let out a long breath, then slowly got up and went downstairs to wait.

He sat on the sofa and flipped through a magazine in boredom to pass the time and to hide his throbbing heart.

she was too young, and it would be a long process for her to grow up.

The process would be painful, but also sweet.