shen ting was actually the one accompanying her (3)

He didn't care about AI Jia's shamelessness in the business world. However, once the Qin family, he Huan, and his parents were involved, he would never let her go.

even if she used to be someone in the qin continent.

Qin Mo's expression turned ugly at the thought of this. He Huan turned her head and asked in a low voice, " Qin mo, what's wrong? "

Qin mo shook his head. it's nothing!

He put down the glass in his hand. I'll wait for you in the car.

he walked out as he spoke.

he huan looked at his back and said to shen ting, " "don't you think your uncle is a little weird?"

" yes. " shen ting nodded his head. " it does look a little different. "

he huan also wanted to make him talk more, so she went up to him."What do you think is different?"

Shen ting's expression was a little speechless. "auntie should know more about this."

He Huan,"can't we communicate properly?" Kids these days were all so bad.

shen ting said innocently.