Shen ting was actually the one accompanying her (5)

Finally, the adults 'banter ended, and Shen ting's face was no longer as hot as before. In fact, it was even a little red.

he only calmed down a little when he got into the car, but he was still a little uncomfortable.

qin mo looked at the people in front of him. he was discussing the movie with he huan as he drove. at this moment, he really had to discuss it with he huan. after all, he huan was the one who made the movie, even though he had done a lot of post-production.

qin mo's fingers were on the steering wheel as he focused on the situation in front of him. his voice was calm."Recently, the negative news about AI Mengmeng on the internet has decreased a lot."

When he said this, he Huan thought of the movie queen, so she said softly, " "what about the negative news about the movie queen?"