the one i love has always been you, qin mo 6

Qin mo laughed and lowered his voice, " "be more refined."

He Huan looked at him inexplicably for a while. There was a trace of moisture in her eyes, which was the special expression of someone who had just woken up.

qin mo couldn't help but kiss her eyelids again before looking up. " "what do you want to ask?"

he huan put her arms around his neck. " how much did you earn at the box office? "

the ending of the note was dragged out very long, with a kind of coquettish meaning.

qin mo lowered his head. his voice was hoarse. " you don't have any confidence in yourself? " he asked.

He Huan's eyes widened in disbelief.

After a while, she asked him very softly, Qin mo, do you mean that this data is real? "

"what else?" Qin Mo's eyes hid a smile. "you have no confidence in yourself and your husband?"

he huan glanced at him again, but because the surprise came too quickly, she didn't have time to argue with him. she just couldn't believe it was the truth.