he admitted that he was jealous (6)

AI Mengmeng sat down opposite her and said in a low voice, " is there anything I can help you with? "

aijia was still holding the long and thin cigarette between her fingers, not caring about the gazes from the surroundings.

She stared at AI Mengmeng and the wallet in her hand. She smiled coldly and said casually, " "There's something."

ai mengmeng stared at ai jia for a long time without any expression on her face.

aijia also showed her patiently, without a trace of impatience.

After a long time, AI Mengmeng finally said in a coy voice,"Haven't I suffered enough because of you? why are you still looking for me?"

"I'm in a bit of trouble." edgar stubbed the cigarette butt and said directly, " "I need 50 million. Think of something."

ai mengmeng's face turned pale. she stared at ai jia and said angrily,"why should i give you money?"

and it was 50 million.

"it's because of this," ai jia smiled faintly and gently pushed an envelope in front of ai mengmeng.