if you want to beg me, marry me (1)

At that time, she secretly liked Rong Yue and collected everything about him.

Qin mo didn't know about this until Rong Yue was in the hospital. However, he Huan had forgotten about this.

however, qin mo did not forget.

He remembered that he Huan had come to find him that day.

At that time, there was no longer any relationship between them.

The person she liked was Rong Yue.

she had told him that she would marry rong yue in the future.

When she found him, Rong Yue was lying in the hospital in a vegetative state.

Only Qin Chen had the confidence to perform surgery on Rong Yue, and he had to wait for an opportunity.

qin chen understood qin mo's love life, so she didn't dare to operate on rong yue.

Qin mo would have the final say in everything.

that day, he huan barged into KING entertainment's ceo's office. at that time, qin mo was in a meeting and she went to the meeting room. secretary he could not stop her no matter what.