I'm an old man, huh? 2

He Huan removed the blanket and got out of bed.

In the apartment, it was quiet everywhere. She looked around but did not see Qin mo.

it was strange that she actually wanted to look for qin mo in such a foreign place.

in the end, she found him in the study room. when she pushed the door open, she saw qin mo sitting behind the large wooden desk. he had a cigarette in one hand and was flipping through documents in the other.

His fingers were beautiful, slender, and powerful.

He Huan just looked at it, and then thought to herself, what does it have to do with me whether my fingers look good or not?

She stood there and called out to him like a kitten.

Qin mo raised his eyes. At that moment, there was a hint of fatigue in his black eyes. It was pure physical fatigue.

He Huan was stunned for a moment. She had never thought that Qin mo would be tired.

in her impression, he was always full of energy. was it because he was old?