The experience of living with an old girl (4)

Her lips trembled slightly, and she called out softly, " 'Qin mo.'

Qin mo acknowledged her and took the ring from her hand to put it on for her. "Don't cry, okay?"

He Huan tried her best not to cry, but she still sniffed.

qin mo placed his palm on her head and rubbed it gently. " you're already so big. "

As he said that, he still couldn't hide his inner feelings and leaned over to kiss her.

All the shopping guides and young ladies in the mall were stunned by this scene.

f * ck, president qin really looks so soft!

Oh my god, oh my god, there were pink bubbles floating everywhere. It was even more romantic than an idol drama.

the main thing was his looks.

He was truly tall, rich, and handsome!

after qin mo was done kissing her, he straightened his body and said in a low voice, " do you feel like you're in love now? "

he huan bit her lip and suddenly hugged his arm, not allowing him to straighten his body.