i can't go back with you

AI Mengmeng suddenly felt that she had made the wrong choice. She thought that it was good for Rong Yue that she had left, but he seemed to be even more tired.

as he thought about it, he understood.

She reached out and gently wrapped her arms around his neck, and said these three words very softly.

rong yue actually laughed and said three words, " "I know,"

ai mengmeng was stunned. he was actually awake!

she looked straight at rong yue and rong yue laughed. he chuckled and said, " "You're talking in your sleep."

AI Mengmeng's face was pale, and her voice was low. what did I say? "

Rong Yue's warm palm held her gently. His warm eyes looked at her intently in the dark for a long time before he whispered, " you called my name and said that you were lucky to have me.

"Are you lying to me? I don't talk in my sleep," AI Mengmeng said, trying to bully Ai Ai.