How do we allocate the children (3)

qin mo was stunned for a moment, then he laughed softly, his laughter shaking his chest.

He Huan jumped into his arms. She looked pathetic, funny, and pitiful. Because the water was too cold, her body trembled unconsciously.

Qin mo was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he held her waist with one hand and said in a soft voice that was filled with adoration, " "i'll carry you upstairs to get your clothes, okay?"

he huan wasn't willing to let him off so easily. she reached out and lightly punched his shoulder. " qin mo, let go of me. "

qin mo turned on the water and gently placed her in the tub.

with a splash, he huan's face was covered in water again. this time, even qin mo was wet. he hugged her again and said in a helpless tone, " "I need to change my clothes too."

then, no matter how she struggled, he carried her upstairs.