qin yihuan, how old are you? 2

shen ting continued with his work, and when it was one o 'clock, he turned off the lights and went to sleep in the living room.

She had just laid down and had not fallen asleep when she heard the sound of the door opening from the master bedroom, followed by the sound of footsteps.

A slender white figure was rummaging through the trash in the dark. There was only a milk bottle in the house, and he couldn't fall asleep without holding her.

shen ting just lay there quietly without making a sound.

qin yihuan finally found the milk bottle. she gave up on making another cup and wanted to hold it in her arms.

although he wasn't that satisfied, at least he could sleep.

She tiptoed and was about to leave when she suddenly kicked something under her feet. She accidentally rushed forward and fell straight on the sofa, on top of a human body.

it was a warm, body.

she was stunned and did not come back to her senses for a long time.