i'm afraid of the dark when i sleep alone (7)

yi huan put the vase away and looked at the dewdrop-stained rose. suddenly, she remembered something. " where's the present you mentioned? "

"I'll give it to you the next time you get engaged." he said meaningfully.

"I don't know when will be the next time!" Yi Huan sighed.

"It sounds like you're looking forward to the next time?" Shen ting asked back without changing his expression.

Yi Huan's face turned red. After a long time, she said, " I want to go abroad and study photography in Italy. Maybe for a few years.

Shen ting furrowed his brows,'you've been dealt a blow and suddenly have this thought? What about King Entertainment? don't tell me you're throwing it to me again? i don't accept it. "

He paused for a moment. there are already many people outside who are saying that I'm after the Qin family. If you go abroad again, I really won't be able to clear my name.