i'm afraid of the dark when i sleep alone (9)

Yi Huan couldn't say a word. Although she didn't want to admit it, Shen ting was right.

for so many years, her relationship with ye xiangnan had been as calm as water. it wasn't that she didn't have any feelings for him, but it was very faint.

No matter what, the news would have a huge impact on yihuan and King Entertainment's share prices. It was not obvious yet, but the people in the company would be busy the next morning.

shen ting knew that although it would be chaotic for a while, it wouldn't cause him to collapse.

The most important thing now was Yi Huan's mood.

because later on, ye xiangnan would get married. regardless of whether he loved that woman or not, the ye family's style had always been to acknowledge the child and marry her.

yi huan was alone, and shen ting wouldn't interfere at this time. so when she said she wanted to go abroad, he didn't agree and didn't agree, but now he thought it was a good idea for her to go abroad.