i'm scared of the dark when i sleep alone 11

shen ting left the room gracefully. he still had some things to deal with. he was really busy every day. secretary wang was not exaggerating at all. he had been accompanying yihuan for the past few days and had a lot of things to deal with.

After he left, Yi Huan could not fall asleep. She lay on the bed, holding the milk bottle in her hand but it was useless. She tossed and turned but could not fall asleep. She clearly did not recognize the bed.

At one o 'clock at night, she couldn't stand it anymore. She got up and looked outside. Shen ting was still working.

he heard the commotion and turned his head. " "why aren't you sleeping?"

"Heat up the milk." Yi Huan coughed.

"Qin yihuan, do you really treat yourself like a baby?" Shen ting laughed.

it was bad enough to hold a milk bottle, but she still had to warm it at night.

"it won't taste good if it's cold," yi huan said self-righteously.