Men are all bastards (6)

shen ting took the opportunity to feed her one, and yi huan had no choice but to eat it in surprise.

She looked at him while eating.

shen ting's mood was obviously very good. " why are you looking at me like that? Are you surprised? I used to feed you all the time."

she continued naturally,"that was in the past. it's different now. i've grown up. let's talk about yingluo."

she paused for a moment, and her voice became soft."I thought that you would hate me for a long time for that matter."

"It's been so many years, isn't that a long time?" Shen ting asked.

"Ah!" Yi Huan replied,"but you were still in the same state a few days ago."

"You're pulling a long face, aren't you?" he smiled. " that's why you're treated differently when you're single. that's because you're someone else's fiancée. if you expect me to feed you, that's a sinful thought, miss qin. " shen ting teased her.